Our dedicated news and features team write the stories that make the headlines. We cover anything from breaking news, in-depth investigations, life changing campaigns and quirky tales, many of which can be found on the front page of UK national newspapers.

Our content is always accurate, reliable and written by highly experienced journalists. Triangle News are relied upon to provide the news that matters and we supply agenda-setting exclusive content for national and international publishers across print, digital and social media.

Take a look some of the Triangle News exclusive stories that have made the headlines:

Front page investigation into children buying knives on Facebook

Triangle News broke the story on the second suicide after filming the Jeremy Kyle show

A mum carried her terminally ill
baby to full term in order to
donate organs

Arsenal player's mum lived in a storage
crate, her story exclusively from
Triangle News

We exclusively reveal details of armed forces punch up at luxury resort

Jack Maynard kicked off I'm A
Celebrity following our

Our investigation highlights the
extent of drug taking
on the web

Love Island's winner Jack's dad is a
drug dealer

Liz Hurley rushes to be by her
nephew's side. As told exclusively
by Triangle News

Northern Ireland manager caught
drink driving.
We broke the story

Our investigations shows that
children can buy coffee three
times as strong as energy drinks

Our campaign for shops to keep
their doors shut in winter